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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Magazine is a specialist mens title based in London, UK. Printed quarterly, JÓN is a premium title featuring the best in original mens photography. 


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Free shipping to the UK, and £10 to everywhere else in the world!

Front Cover JOSHUA JACKSON by Leigh Keily

Flip Cover KEVIN ALEJANDRO by Leigh Keily

JÓN Issue 31- The 'FIT' issue

JÓN’s Fall 2021 issue - clocking in at around 250 pages, is your perfect partner in crime this Autumn. Featuring stellar interviews and shoots, we’ve got your reading for the second half of 2021 sorted.

See our fashion stories in FULL, not available anywhere online. You gotta get the book, people. See unseen photos and read the full interview with Lucifer star Kevin Alejandro, Vikings hottie Alexander Ludwig (talking about his new show Heels, and his country music album!), Dr Death (and Dawson’s Creek babe) Joshua Jackson recounting stories of his new and old projects, and super hottie Travis Van Winkle, who poses with the cutest dog ever and chats about joining the cast of epic Netflix series, YOU.

Not to mention the smouldering Kirk Newmann, decked out in a killer fashion story by our mates at 40 Colori, and Scottish beau Stuart Martin, causing no good in London town and telling us all about it.

You gotta get this issue. It’s even better that a pumpkin spice latte, bitches.

JÓN magazine is a premium, 300 page black and white print magazine available online and at select news-stands around the world. We feature celeb interviews and shoots, fashion stories, illustrations, columns, collage and art, all bound beautifully into a stunning book. Be part of the JÓN family, get your copy today.

FREE shipping to the UK, and £10 to the rest of the world!

For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $25 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!

See the whole JOSHUA JACKSON & KEVIN ALEJANDRO shoots, and read the full interview, only in the print issue of JÓN.

JÓN magazine is a premium, 250 page black and white print magazine available online and at select news-stands around the world. We feature celeb interviews and shoots, fashion stories, illustrations, columns, collage and art, all bound beautifully into a stunning book. Be part of the JÓN family, get your copy today.

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