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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Magazine is a specialist mens title based in London, UK. Printed quarterly, JÓN is a premium title featuring the best in original mens photography. 


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Jon 05 -FRONT3.jpg
Jon 05 -FRONT4.jpg
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Free shipping to the UK, and £7 to everywhere else in the world!


Front Cover PAUL CORONA by B. Charles Johnson

Back Cover by Michael Del Buono

Welcoming in the summer, JON's latest issue is 242 pages of epic mens editorial. This summer, Harry Potter superstar Matthew Lewis is shot and interviewed by JON editors Leigh Keily and Stephen Conway for his first super-chic shoot since the world discovered young Neville Longbottom is now HOT.

With JON's usual cheeky sense of humour, explore all 18 amazing fashion editorials printed in our characteristic all-male, black and white, beautiful bespoke publication. JON is only for the most discerning of magazine consumers.

Your summer is complete, with JON in your bag.

As always, JON has worked with epic photographers from around the world, including B. Charles Johnson, Scott Teitler, Brent Chua, Irdis + Tony, AJ Ford, Sean Watters, Michael Del Buono and Daniel Rodriguez. Order your copy of JON today as they won't stay around for long!

JÓN ISSUE 5, the SON issue, is a 242 page premium print magazine with epic content including celebrity interviews and fashion shoots. JÓN is a quarterly menswear magazine produced in London with contributors from around the globe. With no advertising and a select print run and distribution, JÓN is a publication to treasure, collect and tote around town. 


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